Procurement of: different Pharmaceutical packages
Closing date: 2025-02-17 | Kabul | 143Construction of Gravity-Fed Pipe System at Sarilar Naitaq villege
Closing date: 2025-02-23 | Bamyan | 126Water Supply System Serving
Closing date: 2025-03-04 | Farah | 152پروسه داوطلبی پروژه تهیه و تدارک جنراتور برق به ظرفیت 88kva
Closing date: 2025-02-17 | Kabul | 216Engine Oil and Spare Parts
Closing date: 2025-02-19 | Kabul | 170Supply of Hygiene Kits, Dignity Kits, Clean Delivery Kits
Closing date: 2025-02-17 | Urozgan, Daikundi & Kandahar | 161Upgrading of Plum Concrete Surface Streets in Districts 5 & 20 of Kabul City (4 Lots)
Closing date: 2025-02-20 | Kabul | 167Skills-Based Literacy Programme
Closing date: 2025-02-28 | Kabul | 124Construction of Parks in Districts 4 & 14 of Kandahar City (4 Lots)
Closing date: 2025-02-20 | Kandahar | 147تهیه و تدارک مواد خام برای تولید تجهیزات برقی پروژه تامین برق توسعوی ولایات (3) شامل چهار لات
Closing date: 2025-03-04 | All Provinces | 151تهیه و تدارک (24) قلم تونر باب مختلف النوع
Closing date: 2025-02-21 | Kabul | 217Consultancy Services for Evaluation of a Norad/NMFA Funded Program
Closing date: 2025-02-23 | Faryab and Jawzjan | 151Construction of Pipe Scheme with Solar Pump (PSSP)) system
Closing date: 2025-03-10 | Balkh | 165Procurement of Poultry, Materials and Medicine for 100 Families
Closing date: 2025-02-18 | Bamyan | 150پروژه : تهیه و خریداری مواد شوینده و ترمیماتی
Closing date: 2025-03-04 | Kabul | 197تهیه و تدارک 37 قلم تجهیزات برقی و موادساختمانی، نصب و منتاژ تجهیزات و تست و کمیشنیگ جهت برق رسانی
Closing date: 2025-03-05 | Helmand | 134NATIONAL SHOPPING
Closing date: 2025-02-25 | Badakhshan | 123Transportation service for 530 Cattle
Closing date: 2025-03-03 | Kunar, Laghman, and Nangarhar | 128